

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Week 4: The Shell Has Cracked

This week started as every other week with some snow related schedule changes. But I am pretty used to altering my lessons to fit the reduced time, so its not that big of an issue anymore! In my Ag Science class we learned about FFA and set up SAE projects. Mrs. Weaver and I gave each student an interest survey and sat down with each individual while the rest of the class watch videos on what SAE is and how awesome SAE projects can be! We sat with the first three students together and I observed how she talked to them and what types of questions she asked. After I picked up what I needed to do, we separated and each talked to a student. The first couple students I talked to on my own went ok, but I still had to ask a few questions to Mrs. Weaver! After I got the hang of it, it was a lot of fun and I think my students are going to have some awesome projects! We spent the next day in the computer lab and showed them how to use AET. The students were a little rowdy, but we made sure that they followed all the steps correctly as we walked around the room making sure that they were on the correct screen and following along. After we got the class set up and class was over, I asked Mrs. Weaver about FFA members and how many of them had SAE projects, she wasn't sure and directed me to ask Mr. Dietrich. That evening I accompanied Mr. Dietrich and a student to the county interview contest and talked with him about it. He mentioned that he is not very familiar with AET and has not had any students approach him about setting up and SAE, I asked him how I can help! He gave me the go ahead to talk with students and if they were interested to start their SAE with them! The next day I spoke to both of my other classes and had 8 students extremely interested in starting SAE as soon as possible! For the first time in my student teaching I was excited and looking forward to something. I have been in a bit of a funk for the past two weeks, but this was just what I needed!

On Monday, we did a "tragedy of the commons" activity, we ran out of time at the end of class for a good wrap up (something I need to time manage better). So the bell work for the following day was look at the data collected during the activity and compare notes with a neighbor. After they looked at each others data, we talked about what happened as a class! They were great, and came to all of the concepts that I was hoping to reach! We spent about 15 minutes discussing it, after we finished, I placed them into teams and gave them a topic for debate! Their topic was fracking in PA, the teams were for and against, not matter how they really felt about the subject. I was worried that the students wouldn't take it seriously and the debate might fail. I showed them a unbiased documentary so they knew more about what fracking actually was, and gave them the rest of the class to work with their team and complete some research.  The following day I showed them two biased videos, one for, and one against and allowed them to have a 10 minute work session before the debate began! During this whole debate process, I tried to make it student centered as much as possible and let them figure it our and use their brains. I gave them an agenda and rules for how the debate was going to be organized, but other than that, they were to figure it out.

Next week, I am most excited for Horticulture as we start into our floriculture unit. Each student will be making a corsage, a uniform centerpiece, and a centerpiece of choice! In the other two classes we will be finishing up Unit 1, and having reviews, quiz bowls, and unit exams!

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