

Friday, March 6, 2015

Mock Interview with TV Admin

On February 24th, during my student teaching experience I was able to meet with Principal Bill Clements for a mock interview. It was a really great way to get to know the administrator as well as let them get to know me! Below are the questions I was asked as well as some of the information I asked.

1.      What did the administrator ask you?

a.       What types of concepts do you try to incorporate in every lesson?

b.      Give an example of a bad lesson that you taught or a lesson that did not go as planned, how would you change it to make it better?

c.       How do you differentiate instruction?

d.      What are your views on classroom management?

e.       Describe a time when you had a confrontation with a student, what was the outcome?

f.       How do you alter instruction to compensate for a large amount of time in laboratory settings?

g.      How do you go about contacting a parent?

h.      As an FFA Advisor what is your involvement with FFA?

i.        Use three words to describe yourself and explain why you chose these words.

      I thought I did a good job answering the questions; I had the pedagogical knowledge to answer the classroom related questions, and make sure that my answers gave specific examples from my student teaching. The on question that caught me off-guard was the last one asking me to use 3 words to describe myself. I never really took the time to think about it before and I hesitated, the words I used were, Dedicated, Learning, and Passionate.

2.      What questions did you ask the administrator?

a.       How supportive is the community of the Ag Program?

b.      What are the local Ag Related industries?

c.       How is FFA perceived from an administrative level.
I was really impressed with the atmosphere; it wasn’t full of pressure and was relaxed. I didn’t feel extremely nervous even though I did not know him that well at the time of the interview.
It took me some time to get it scheduled, mainly just because it was hard to schedule a time that I wasn’t teaching, and he was available to meet.  I would say I need to take time and think about my personality traits and strengths and be prepared to justify why I am the right person for the position and build my own confidence.

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